Ibiai_MG, Brasil...Rio Sao Francisco, o rio da integracao nacional. Na foto, criancas jogando futebol proximo ao rio...The Sao Francisco river, It is an important river for Brazil, called the river of national integration. In this photo, the children playing soccer...Foto: LEO DRUMOND / NITRO
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ADOLESCENTE AGUA AREIA BOLA CONTRA LUZ CONTRA-LUZ CRIANCA DIVERSAO ENTARDECER ESPORTE FIM DE TARDE FUTEBOL GAROTO GENTE JOVEM JUVENTUDE LAZER MARGEM MENINO POR DO SOL POR-DO-SOL SILUETA pessoas People humano human humanos humans pessoa person ser humano human being seres humanos human beings Teen adolescent adolescents entre os 12 e os 19 anos 12-19 years old menor minor menores minors teenager child water meio ambiente Environment ecologia ecology cenario scenery terra Land sand sky ball amusement divertido amusing entretido amused brincar play brincando playing Shore Sunset crepusculo sundown equipamento esportivo sports equipment bola de futebol soccer ball esportes e recreacao sports & recreation esportes sports esportes de equipe team sports soccer backlit back-lit back-lighted silhueta silhouette Boy raios de sol suns rays sun rays sol sun luz do sol sunlight horizontal brincadeira river rio costa
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