Ribeirao das Neves_MG, Brasil...Tecnica de comunicacao utilizada na Escola Estadual Pedro Fernandes para um aluno com paralisia celebral comunicar com professores e colegas...The communication technique used by the State School Pedro Fernandes for a student with cerebral palsy communicate with teachers and colleagues...Foto: LEO DRUMOND / NITRO.
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- 20090608LD0619.JPG
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- www.agencianitro.com.br
ALUNO DEFICIENTE CRIANCA EDUCACAO ENSINO ESCOLA ESTUDANTE ESTUDOS PARALISIA CEREBRAL SALA DE AULA cerebral palsy questoes sociais social issues questao social social issue deficiente Disabled deficiencia disability cultivacao nurturing education auto-aperfeicoamento self improvement conhecimento knowledge edification erudicao erudition instrucao instruction inclusao social social inclusion Classroom aprendendo learning aprender learn child student aluno estudar study estudando studying tecnica de comunicacao communication technique professor Teacher instrutor instructor ensinar teach ensinando teaching horizontal wheelchair cadeira de rodas ensinar e aprender teaching and learning alunos students
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